Anya Judith Samson
Born 1988
Kartujarra language group, Milangka skin group
Jigalong Community
Martumili Artists
Judith was born in Port Hedland and moved to Jigalong when she was a little girl. Affectionately known as “young Dadda”, Judith is the granddaughter of Dadda Samson and Yanjimi Peter Rowlands. She has learned the stories of her Country while living and painting with her grandmother.
Puntawarri, Jilakurru and Kumpupirntily
2008, by Dadda Samson & Judith Samson
acrylic on linen, 128×297 cm
Martumili Artists
National Museum of Australia.
Jilakurru (Well 17) and Puntawarri are sites in Dadda’s Country, which she has painted here with her granddaughter, Judith. While Puntawarri lies west of the Canning Stock Route, Jilakurru and Kumpupirntily fall within the stock route corridor. Jilakurru is a culturally significant site, host to a wealth of rock art and engravings, much of which is sacred to Martu people. The rich pastures of the adjacent gorge became a resting place for drovers and their herds. Dusty Stevens, Dadda’s elder brother, encountered the drovers there as a child:
My Country Jilakurru. We was kids walking around there. Bullock chase my Mummy. That bullock there nearly kill Mummy now, coming for her. Too big! [The bullocks from] Billiluna, all a big one.